I am interested in problems in partial differential equations including global analysis of waves, mathematical relativity and nonlinear waves. My research involves techniques from spectral theory and microlocal analysis.

Publications and Pre-prints
with J. Wunsch. Wave propagation on rotating cosmic string spacetimes. (arXiv link)
Peer Reviewed
with J. Wunsch. Mode solutions to the wave equation on a rotating cosmic string background. Proceedings of the AMS. To appear. (arXiv link)
with J. Wunsch. Generalized Price's law on fractional-order asymptotically flat stationary spacetimes. Mathematical Research Letters. To appear. (arXiv link)
The effect of metric behavior at spatial infinity on pointwise wave decay in the asymptotically flat stationary setting. American Journal of Mathematics. To appear. (arXiv link)
with J. Metcalfe. Global existence for systems of quasilinear wave equations in (1+4)-dimensions. Journal of Differential Equations. 2020. (
Wave decay in the asymptotically flat stationary setting. 2019, 155 pages. Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global. (2296357806)
Recent & Upcoming
For a more expansive list of talks, view my CV
1 / Conferences and Workshops
May Midwest Microlocal Meetings // May 2023
Northwestern University
AMS Central Sectional Meetings // April 2023
University of Cincinnati
PDE Mini-School with Peter Hintz // March 2023
UNC-Chapel Hill
Joint Math Meetings // January 2023
Boston, MA
Harmonic Analysis and Waves // August 2022
University of Washington
Workshop on Microlocal Analysis and PDEs // July 2022
University College London
2 / Seminars and Colloquia
Michigan State University // Dalhousie University // University of Kentucky // Ghent University // Oberlin College
Generalized Price's law on fractional-order asymptotically flat stationary spacetimes // July 2021
ICMP Young Researchers Symposium
5 minute research introduction // Fall 2019
Lecture Notes
MATH 891: Topics Course on Nonlinear Waves // Spring 2017
taught by Jason Metcalfe